About US

Foothills Spinners & Weavers Guild of Northern Virginia has, since its beginning in July 1984, enjoyed the reputation of being a quality guild, whose purpose is to share knowledge and skill and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the fiber arts.

The guild, started by Debbie Stover, Connie Wiersberg and a few friends has grown over the years to now include over 30 active members.

Activities of the Guild are varied in response to members' interests. In addition to spinning and weaving, other skills practiced within the Guild are knitting, crochet, stitchery, felting, dyeing, basketry, etc. Participation in local shows, demonstrations and fairs is undertaken as time permits.

The Guild is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association.

Membership is open to all persons interested in learning and promoting the fiber arts.

We meet monthly to discuss guild news, upcoming events, and appreciate the works of each other through a show and tell segment. During most meetings we endeavor to have an educational segment or a field trip to a local artist or farm, etc.

Annual dues are due and payable in June of each year. An individual joining the Guild after December 31st shall pay half the annual rate.

June 2023 we elected new officers:

President: Elspeth Christianson

Vice President/Programs/Technology: Theresa Nitz

Treasurer: Sara Goodgame

Secretary/Librarian: Melanie Polutta

Membership: Sue Schier

Membership Benefits

Opportunity to share ideas and learn from others experience in a friendly environment

Monthly minutes updates

—Local field trips or workshops

—Discount MAFA workshops

—Presentations at Guild Meeting by guest speakers

—Access to members only Yahoo Group

–Guild sponsored booths to sell your handmade fiber goods at local fiber art shows

–Free access to guild library library (click to see titles) and equipment.

